Saturday, January 31, 2009


"I never meet the men whose work I love. The work means too much to me. I don't want the men to spoil it. They usually do. They're an anticlimax to their own talent."

I read these Ayn Rand lines said by Gail Wynand in the Fountainhead some years back. It took me some time to gulp them down, but somehow they always featured here and there on the peripheries of my imagination. After going through how the whole department of pre-crime works Collin Farrell says "There is a flaw, its human."

Somewhere down the line the work of a man exceeds the man and he can never be what his work depicts.

I read this post by Anurag where he says that 2009 seems like a promising year for the Indian Film Industry with a number of films lined up and then he went on and on about Luck By Chance (a commentator saw this too). He also said that I went up to Farhan and said "Zoya has outshone you, and this is my number one debut film by anyone, you are now second"

It was definitely on my list as an awaited movie but after reading this statement my expectations expanded exponentially. Today I almost bunked a lab to go and catch it with only 50 bugs in my pocket (and had to smoke choti gold flake instead of badi) and came back with nothing (but that is another story).

After coming out of the cinema hall, his words didn't leave me.

It is just a good film, an average film actually. Yes it has an idea and a soul but to call it the best debut film is nothing short of a sacrilege. I might not have seen enough cinemas or I do not have the level of his understanding about the craft, but I think I've seen enough to say this.

I told all my friends when he appeared on screen that he is Anurag Kashyap, the guy who has made Dev and No Smoking. I liked your bit.

I'm still eagerly waiting for Dev.D and I'll watch it because I still admire his work but he lost a follower with whose eyes I wanted to know a bit more about this craft.

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